Good News – Computer Fixed! (And remix updates.)

(Originally posted on Blogspot on Monday, May 23, 2011)

Yes! It only took three weeks – but my music computer is back up and running! I’ve been busy with work and whatnot, so it took a little longer than intended. (A HUGE thanks goes to Mr. Austin for fixing it!) So yeah… back to making music!

This leads me to my next point: Remixes. While I was planning on releasing one remix a month – I’m realizing that this is resulting in them being a bit rushed. I think it’s important to put quality over quantity, so I’ve decided I’ll release them on a less scheduled basis, and moreso when I simply finish them. I’m still planning on releasing 4-6 of these a year, though. This is partially because my efforts are spread among quite a few projects (let alone, working to pay my bills and simply living life.)

Speaking of projects – my solo album “Five Years EP” is very near to completion! Now that my music computer has returned – I can get back to work! I just need to rerecord vocals and do some final mixing touch ups! I’m very excited about this… although it will be a little while until it is released (I need to promote it and whatnot).

In addition to my album being finished, I am planning on doing some open mics and then some shows this summer! As well, I am currently working on a music video involving sticky notes. More details to come on all that!

One last bit of good news: my Facebook music page has just claimed the name ‘’! Hopefully this will rid the other Mike Pouch whose facebook page I helped jump up on the Google search results. Fingers crossed!

Thanks for reading!
(By the way – Imogen Heap remix coming by the end of the week! I promise!)